Thursday, June 24, 2010

My First Flower Pot

We are going on year 3 in our house, each year I tell Aaron I want to get a big flower pot for the front porch. This year was finally the year. With the help of my friend Brittany I picked out these plants to watch them grow. I am excited to see what it looks like as they get bigger. Thanks Brittany!

Kangaroo Zoo

Today we tried out the Kangaroo Zoo. Lots of bouncey toys to play on, and it was cute to see the boys tagging along with each other to try each new bounce house out.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Past little bit

This is the part I hate about neglecting my blog - catching up. These are a few pictures of some of the things we have been doing the last few months.
Finn & Kyan - they could get into a lot of trouble, those two!
All the cousins

Finn was the only kid daring enough to submerge his head in the water.
Van, loving his swim lessons - mostly to be in the pool, not so much for the actually swim lesson.

Finn sniffing something from the river by grandpa's house (he has an oddly terrific smeller).

This is the boys helping out in the yard - I'm not sure why the decided to take their shirts off, but it sure is cute.
Took a walk up Muller Park Canyon

These pictures show Van's new gun. The expression on his face above is excitement of hitting a target. Like father, like son.
Finn's first shooting trip with the boys. He might need another year before he's ready for an all day shooting excursion.
Silver/Wood kids on a little shooting extravaganza - Fun stuff

Friday, June 11, 2010


My last post was in April, it is now summer and we have been so busy with swim lessons, cherry hill, zoo, and swimming at nana's. I guess we can go back to school...just kidding. I saw that blogger has new templates, so I selected one that shows how many books I will not be reading this summer. I wish time would allow, but to keep my kids happy I better not. Hope summer plans are going well, I will try to visit more often to keep up on our summer adventures.