Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Record Breaking

Naughtyness! I can not believe the naughty behavior Finn is starting to be capable of, AND having an older brother who helps contribute knocks all other naughtyness out of the park. We have lost DS's, park fun, and had lots of time outs. I hope this is not how my summer is going to wind down - we have been having lots of fun doing lots of fun stuff, maybe that is the problem. Any suggestions?


Kristi said...

I think kids go though naughty streaks. Our boys had a naughty streak in June. Hopefully they got it all out of their system.
At the peak of their naughtiness the boys couldn't obey the rules of our house so they couldn't sleep in the house. They actually fell asleep outside with their blankets. It was traumatic for them. We brought them in after they had fallen asleep of course. I don't know if you want parenting advice from me. I don't have good strategies.

s day @ sdayrunning.blogspot.com said...

Hmmmm. I think those boys know they can get away with naughtyness because they are so dang cute!!!! Wish I knew what to tell ya... Stick to you guns. There, hows that?