Sunday, April 17, 2011

11 Minute increase!

It is Sunday night, pain still fully enforced in my legs and I keep thinking what my next 1/2 marathon goal should be? I could always try to increase my time, but I am super pleased with my time on this race. To me speed is not everything - each race I do I am reminded of how the only person you are competing with is yourself. Because I am not a competitive person it is the perfect sport for me. The entire idea of running a race, even a 5k (3.1 miles), was completely undoable a year ago, here I am now wondering what the next step will bring. I am happy to say that I am enjoying running - it is no longer a thorn in my side.


ShazBraz said...

Wow, that's really awesome! Congrats!

Kristi said...

I say go for the full. Shoot for St. George. Add it to your bucket list.

Next year you should come up during spring break and run the 10 miler in the Pear Blossom. It would be a leisurely 10 miles instead of the 13.1 Just thought I would throw that one out there if you are wanting to diversify your running to other states.

Melissa said...

Holy cow GIRL! you are so awesome! I agree with Kristi, I think you should go for the FULL. I know you can do it!

Maryquilter said...

Glad you realize that you are not in competition against other runners. Everyone has their own agenda. You have come so far in such a short amount of time. Now, if we could just get Aaron running with you!

Maryquilter said...

I forgot to do this when I left my last comment, but you have done a great job on upscaling your actual blog with the background , etc. Makes mine look boring. Good job!