Monday, July 6, 2009

Truckin right along

Man, summer is flying by. We have in the past few weeks been going, going, going. Aaron got a new truck, he traded in his commuter car for a manly vehicle - and he does feel more manly. They boys rather enjoy it too.

I have been doing all that I can to stick to a schedule for my sake and my kids sake, this is a tentative schedule of our daily routine. So far so good, it has been fun to try to come up with activities for my kids to stay busy.

I bought this puzzle to take to the cabin a few weeks ago and we didn't get around to completing it, so I brought it home and finished. Every once in a while I get into a puzzle funk, I think it is good for the brain?

Next on the list of summer stuff is to start getting my ideas put together for next years school year - it is difficult because there are so many ideas out there trying to put them into working order can be overwhelming. But I have great confidence this next school year will be a success!


Kristi said...

cool truck. It looks like you are staying busy.

Koch Clan said...

What! He didn't feel manly in his yaris? I know Rob feels really manly in his bright red yaris!

Sarahmanarah said...

I might put that on my list of things to do.

The Watty's said...

How dare you say the "S" word? This summer is flyin' by...