Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Day One

Yesterday was the first day of school, it is a different feeling to have a first day of school that includes your child going to actual school. I was excited for Van, and nervous. He now has to wait until next Monday to come to school full time (the rest of this week they do testing). I really like having him at my school, I am excited to see him during assemblies, and in the halls. Finn was excited to go back to see his friends and teachers - I am so glad my kids have been able to go to Viewmont's Daycare!


Kristi said...

How fun! We don't start until next Tuesday. Did you cry? I didn't. We aren't real sentimental folk are we? I did cry when Spencer first learned to ride his bike without training wheels though.
I always forget that Van isn't in Spencer's grade.

PVC said...

Very, very cute pictures. Van was so cute on the phone when I asked him how school was and he said "I am just practicing for kindergarten this week"
Wonderful blog.
I love you.