Thursday, January 7, 2010

Farewell Diet Coke Bank

I am so sad to say that the diet coke bank (Van's words) that is right near my house (that had the "good" ice) has closed it's doors. I nearly cried when I pulled through the drive through and read the sign.

Good-bye Sinclair


S.DAY said...

So sad! It's so hard to find a place with good d.c. Mcdonals used to be good but I don't think it's very good anymore. Corner 22 gas station is pretty good and I think they have the good ice too.
Sad for you.... but love Van's name for it!

Kristi said...

What will you do? How will you carry on?

the youngs said...

Is that the place that had the drive thru?? I just went there for drinks when I was in town. I think I might cry as well. They always had the Chewy Gobstoppers...which are so hard to come by. :(