Thursday, October 9, 2008

Speech Therapy

Finn is doing very well in speech. His therapist told us yesturday we could start coming once a month instead of twice a month. He was having SOOO much fun blowing bubbles yesturday, I just had to take a picture. He is so stinkin cute!


Kristi said...

Yea! It is so exciting when they make strides like that.
Good goin' Finn!

Koch Clan said...

He is so cute. I love that boy and we have to somehow set him and sibley up someday. Glad speech therapy is going better.

Melissa said...

He is so stinkin' cute! Great work.

the youngs said...

Yeah Finn!!

PVC said...

Yeah...what Melissa said...He IS so stinking cute!
I love you