Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas tag

1. Wrapping paper of gift bags? Wrapping paper
2. Real or artificial tree? I love the smell of real, but for convienece we have artificial
3. When do you put up your tree? The Sunday before Thanksgiving
4. Do you like eggnog? Have you ever tried it with Root beer? I like eggnog in small increments, I have never tried it with Root beer, at what point do you root beer it?
5. Favorite gift recieved as a child? Um...That was a long time ago. Sorry mom and dad
6. Hardest person to buy for? Parents, in-laws, brother
7. Easiest person to buy for? My kids
8. Do you have a Nativity Scene? No
9. Worst Christmas gift recieved? deer antlers (it was a white elephant gift)
10. Mail or e-mail Christmas cards? what are Christmas cards?
11. Favorite Christmas movie? Elf
12. When do you start shopping? Whenever I see something someone would like, Jan, Feb, Mar...ect.
13. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Who hasn't
14. Favorite things to eat at Christmas time? treats, oh wait that is all the time
15. Lights on trees? Colored
16. Favorite Christmas song? Baby it's cold outside - the version on Elf soundtrack
17. Travel at Christmas or stay home? What ever
18. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Only if I sing the song. Just kidding
19. Angle or star on top of tree? Right now there is a home made star Aaron and Van made last year.
20. Open present Christmas Ever or Christmas Day? majority on Christmas Day, a few Christmas Ever (grantsville)
21. Most annoying thing about this time of year? Um... is there anything annoying - OH when people break into your car and steal thing (sorry about your car and purse Jeff and Carolina).
22. Favorite ornament theme or color? Don't have one
23. Favorite for Christmas dinner? What ever is served.

Man these tags take it out of me.
Again I tag anyone who wants to be tagged!
Merry Christmas.


Buchanan Fam said...

Way to go. Those tags do take it out of you. That was the first one I'd done. You really should try the beer nog. Mix half egg nog and half beer nog. Everyone has to try it at least once.

The Watty's said...

We are almost to the 1/2 year mark!