Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Viewer discretion advised

Here is my oldest son getting his first stitches. I fear this will not be the first time. Van was tubing down at the school (it was a tube someone gave them at the playground - we do not own tubes because of things like this.) He ran into the basketball stand and busted his head open.

Luckily Gary was available to help out with this incident. This is a picture after the stitching. Van was so brave and didn't make a sound while he was getting fixed up with 14 (I think) stitches.

Five days later it is time for the stitches to come out. I think he is nervous.

Grandpa at work. Thanks to Dr. Grandpa and Nurse Nana for staying calm and helping us (Van and mom) stay calm.

Here is Van telling his story.


Maryquilter said...

Oh the joys of having little boys!. Next time he will probably opt for wearing a helmet. Glad we could get him all fixed up.

Grandma Patti said...

Holy Cow! That is a bigger cut than I imagined and Van told us he had two stitches inside and one outside. Thanks you Grandpa for fixing Van up.
He sort of looks like Harry Potter now!
Love you

Kristi said...

That is a doosey. Benny is the only one who has had stitches of our kids yet. He has actually had them twice, both times, a victim of his brothers' carelessness.
I liked the video. He was so brave. You are lucky you didn't have to go in some place to have the stitches put in and pulled out.
I read and enjoyed all of the kids quotes on the side. Very funny. That Finn is a hoot.