Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas tag

1. Wrapping paper of gift bags? Wrapping paper
2. Real or artificial tree? I love the smell of real, but for convienece we have artificial
3. When do you put up your tree? The Sunday before Thanksgiving
4. Do you like eggnog? Have you ever tried it with Root beer? I like eggnog in small increments, I have never tried it with Root beer, at what point do you root beer it?
5. Favorite gift recieved as a child? Um...That was a long time ago. Sorry mom and dad
6. Hardest person to buy for? Parents, in-laws, brother
7. Easiest person to buy for? My kids
8. Do you have a Nativity Scene? No
9. Worst Christmas gift recieved? deer antlers (it was a white elephant gift)
10. Mail or e-mail Christmas cards? what are Christmas cards?
11. Favorite Christmas movie? Elf
12. When do you start shopping? Whenever I see something someone would like, Jan, Feb, Mar...ect.
13. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Who hasn't
14. Favorite things to eat at Christmas time? treats, oh wait that is all the time
15. Lights on trees? Colored
16. Favorite Christmas song? Baby it's cold outside - the version on Elf soundtrack
17. Travel at Christmas or stay home? What ever
18. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Only if I sing the song. Just kidding
19. Angle or star on top of tree? Right now there is a home made star Aaron and Van made last year.
20. Open present Christmas Ever or Christmas Day? majority on Christmas Day, a few Christmas Ever (grantsville)
21. Most annoying thing about this time of year? Um... is there anything annoying - OH when people break into your car and steal thing (sorry about your car and purse Jeff and Carolina).
22. Favorite ornament theme or color? Don't have one
23. Favorite for Christmas dinner? What ever is served.

Man these tags take it out of me.
Again I tag anyone who wants to be tagged!
Merry Christmas.

I have been tagged -twice

So here it is

7 things I can do:
multi-task quite well
roll my tounge
sing John Jacob Jingle Himer Schmit in Spanish
teach a class full of kids
Make a kite out of paper - it really flies
remember how to get somewhere that I have only been to once, or long ago
Mow and edge all of my lawn in 1 1/2 hours.

7 things I can't do:
anything that includes music
understand facebook
figure out what a jet stream is
stop eating Ghirardelli peppermin bark squares - YUMMY!
think of more things to put on this list...
speak another language
stand how cute my boys are

7 things I like to eat:
Kettle pops
resturaunt food
again, Ghirardelli peppermint bark squares
corn on the cob
chocolate covered strawberries

7 things I always say:
Ill wait (to my students)
stop whining (to Van)
what does that mean?
Aaron will you...
Find you seats in 5,4,3,2,1

Is that right Peg? Thanks for making my think a little.

I invite anyone who wants to be tagged, tagged.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Dear Santa

I just have to write to you and say my son wrote you a letter last night. Man, was it a task. He was so stressed about what to write and how it looked on the paper. He started writing and then got distracted by drawing a snake, or something. When we were done, I told him I would take it and mail it to you, he FREAKED out telling me you would not want a letter that looked like that - with all the scribble marks and stuff. I assured him you would love it, I even tried to have him email it to you. He told me you don't have a computer. He wrote all of it by himself and I was very proud of him. Please bring him the bike he asked for, so he will understand that it is OK if things aren't perfect. Do you think I have anything to do with his reaction? I hope not.
Thanks Santa - you are the best.
Van's mom

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I am thankful for...

*my good friend Shelly for giving me this idea
*my boys for always making me laugh - out loud
*Aaron - for understanding the need of time away
*having a job I love!
*5th graders sense of humors
*books that teach us
*the internet
*cell phones
*students that can fallow directions
to be continued...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Funny Finn

I know I have quotes on the side bar, but Finn is so funny with all his talking now-a-days. The other morning the second he woke up he had a purse on his sholder and was walking around saying "shopping, shopping" He calls Van "brother" Aaron brought to my attention that I refer to Van a lot as "your brother" we are working on that now. We have started painting our hallway and Finn points and says "paint". It is a little funny because he will choose a word and repeat that word over and over - until a new words comes up.
I can't believe how far he has come, hopefully he will be caught up by the time he starts school?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Last weekend we went down to Hurricane to spend some time with grandpa. This is a lake that is sort of by Zions/Hurricane (I can't remember the real name). The boys had fun running around. We tried to show them how to skip rocks, it was more of a ker-plunk than a skim on top of the water.
Thanks grandpa, for letting us come visit.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

So stinkin cute!

These are a few random pictures I have taken of Finn. He is finally finding joy in toys and other household items.
These headphones are one of Finns favorite things to play with. There is no music coming out, but he loves to wear them around the house.
Don't we all love the huge diaper boxes? These boxes have been trains, planes, and automobiles.

Frustration level is setting in.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween fun!

I have to begin by say how much Finn's speech has improved. It is saying all sorts of fun things. It was Nanna's birthday this week, we I told Finn we were going to take her to dinner for her birthday he said "Happy". He is starting to be more fluent in putting words together. Last night we went to my schools Halloween Carnival, he said "Halloween party". It is so fun to hear the things he can say these days.
So here is our last post for October, can you believe it is over? Finn is a spider, he was so excited about the hat, he kept tapping the top of his head and saying "hhhat". Van is the coolest power ranger out there. The first picture is Van posing in his power ranger way.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Autum Outdoor swimming

Yesturday was a nice day. A little cold but the pool was very warm. We went up to Nanna's and Grandpa's and took a dip in the drink (Melissa, is that something?) Anyway, the kids had so much fun swimming with grandpa and Aaron.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Amazing Grace

Tonight in class we started learning Amazing grace. Even though I am the slowest one in class, and can not transfer from one note to the other very well, I am loving what is being taught. I have attached a clip from you tube, if you want to hear what I may sound like years, and years from now check it out.

As Promised

Here are a few other pictures from my trip. These are taken at Mary Poppins, and Wicked.

So much fun!

Monday, October 20, 2008

New York City

Man, what a fun trip. I just got back from New York with my girl friends. It was so perfect of a trip. We ate at some fun resturaunts, saw fun shows, toured the city on the double decker bus. Someone asked me this morning what was my favorite part about the trip, I think the whole thing was my favorite! Here are a few pictures of the city and two of the three friends I went with. More pictures to come.

Thanks to the girls for such a good time and fun memories!

Soccer is done

Van is done with the first session of soccer this season. The boys had so much fun playing, the first few games were the most successful, as far as attention goes. After that there were other important things on their minds, shadows, shirts over heads, no arms, ect. It was fun to watch, and we are excited to see how it goes in the spring!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Speech Therapy

Finn is doing very well in speech. His therapist told us yesturday we could start coming once a month instead of twice a month. He was having SOOO much fun blowing bubbles yesturday, I just had to take a picture. He is so stinkin cute!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


As I was logging on to my computer this morning at work, making all the necessary clicks it takes to get onto the programs I need throughout the day, it occured to me how crazy it is that just by a tap of the finger on a small contraption (mouse) you open up a whole new world of information. Seriously, what would we do these days with out the internet?
Deep Thought by Kim Silver

Friday, October 3, 2008

Chopper 5

We just had chopper 5 come to our school. It was cool to see the helicoper up close and the kids went wild, although it was a bit long for the kids (the entire school) to be in an unstructured enviornment. One of the camera men for the news came with the pilot, he took some pictures and told us we would be on the news sometime today - whenever that is?

Anyway you just never know what is going to happen at an elementary school. That's why my job is so cool!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Perfect zoo morning

This last weekend Aaron left to go shooting at 6:00am. As I was waking up later that morning I decided I needed to take the kids to do something fun. We packed up the car and headed to the zoo. When I pulled into the parking lot there was a man directing traffic at 9:00am (that is when the zoo opens) I though "oh great it is going to be so crowded, I knew I shouldn't have come on a Saturday". So we headed in and saw there was an event for select health care going on, so once again I was thinking it was going to be a short zoo trip. Anyway as we made our way down the zoo path past the elephants, on to see if the carousel was open yet (it wasn't) we decided to walk down to look at other animals while we waited. From the kangaroo's up to the cat house, down around the giraffes we only saw 3 people, literally 3 people. I think it was my favorite zoo trip yet. All the animals were out pacing waiting for their breakfast, so we got to see all of them up close. The boys were so cute playing with each other and interacting with the animals. Hope next time is the same-luckily we have a pass so if it is not we can try another day. Melissa, sorry my trip was so successful and your wasn't. (ha, ha)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Out of breath

Did you know that as you play the bagpipes you have to use a continuous deep, deep from you gut breath. You can take breaks to do another breath, but it continues on with a deep, deep from your gut breath.
I had my secong bagpipe class - I really like it. I got my practice chanter and the reed is no good. I borrowed one of the teachers reeds and was able to make the correct sound, so now I need to find a specific brand of reed to make my chanter work right.
We practice the scale and some exercises, that seem tricky, but will be fun when I can do them. The teachers were telling us of different competitions that go on, they mentioned the world competition which is in Scotland, in August every year. I told Aaron we are going, it might be in a few years but we are going.
For those of you that do not like the sound of babpipes, well, frankly that makes me a little sad for you. (ha, ha)
Maybe some day I will hold a little concert me on the pipes Aaron on the drum?

Monday, September 22, 2008

Bear Lake

My friend just sent me these pictures from Bear Lake. We were there at the beginning of August. It was so much fun, I would have liked to have Aaron there to help me manage my kids, but it ended up working out. I went with three of my girlfriends and their kids - it was a mix of ages, and fun for all! Thanks for the invite Shelly.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Van

Van wanted a birthday party again this year and I am not cut out to do a party every year.  I told him he could choose two friends to take bowling and get ice cream.  He chose two neighbor boys Badger and Shane.  He loves to play with them and they had a good time bowling (it was probably the longest game I have ever bowled).  
Here is a picture of the 3 goofballs.  I am so glad he has friends he loves to play with that live so close.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Pipers Piping

Well, I am not a piper yet but I am on my way. Who knows how far and how serious I am about playing the bagpipes? I did enjoy learning about them last night and I am now on a quest to find what is called a long practice chanter. Even the best of bagpipers use the practice chanter when they practice, maybe I could be semi-pro. Although I have not music reading ability the teacher said pipe players usually do not use sheet music to play, they learn just by watching and practicing. While I am waiting for my quest to end I can practice on a pencil, or pen.
Our teacher played amazing grace for us last night and said we should be able to play it by the end of class, we'll see? It is fun, and now I don't have to say "I am going to learn how to play those someday"

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

sounds of the scotts

Tonight I am starting a beginning bagpipe class. I am so excited and don't really know what to expect. I hope I am not the only one in the class, I am still not real clear on how I learn to play. Do I rent bagpipes, or what? I will let you know.
We are getting ready for Van's birthday on Friday and he is so excited to be 5, YIPEE!
I am really enjoying this time of year, it is still a little hotter than I would like, but I don't think it will be long before we are cooled off. Yea.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Has it been that long?

I decided to view my blog this morning and realized it has been a while since I have blogged. So here goes: I think life gets more crazy the older your kids get, not the more kids you have - I could be very wrong only haveing two, but every single night this week we have had some sort of event that does not allow us to just go home after school. It wears me out a little bit. Van started soccer and loves it so much, this year he has realized you have to work together as a team to get the goal. He is now happy when another teammate makes a goal instead of upset. My favorite thing will always and forever be the thumbs up from the field when he likes how things are going!
I was visiting with my friend Sarah yesterday and while I was trying to get my kids into the car with many times of asking, Sarah kept laughing at my kids short attentions span and I realized that although I am frustrated there is not enough time in life to really get that upset. Who knows maybe I will become stronger by physically carrying my 5 year old to the car.
As hard as this summer was chasing my kids around this summer, I am missing them throughout the day while I am teaching. I enjoy spending time with them each night laughing and playing.
I am going to end now, because I want to see what happens to my left nav when I enter a post in September, will all my August things change? I know it doesn't take much to get me excited.

Monday, August 25, 2008

TKO (total knock out)

I was informed that Van punched a kid in primary yesterday, and gave him a bloody nose. What does that mean? Aaron and I were still in Las Vegas, so Shannon and Kevin took the boys to their church. In primary there was a kid who was bullying Van and pushed him. So I guess in return he decided to punch him. I am glad he can stand up for himself, I just wish there was a nicer way to do it. Anyway, Shannon talked to him, and I talked to him when I got home - I think he knows it was not the best way to take care of the problem. Pray for him please! (and me cause obviously I am doing something wrong).

Saturday, August 23, 2008

EIGHT years

Aaron and I have been married for eight years. Isn't it amazing how time flies - we thought we would celebrate by taking a weekend road trip to where else but Vegas. We stayed at my dads house in Hurricane and are heading to Vegas today. It is fun being on our own, when you have kids your life seems no longer your own. The boys are having so much fun with Kevin and Shannon this weekend and they have some fun things planned for them, thanks so much guys for helping us out!

We came to Hurricane by way of Delta and stuff, Aaron spent all Friday cleaning the car so it was pretty for our gaunt - now look at it...SICK.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Back to school

Were did the summer go? It is already time to head back to school, I am so lucky I get to go back a week before everyone else. Today it is not so hot in my class room, yet.

My kids have been tossed around between friends and their favorite babysitter - dad. Thanks friends who have so willingly helped out, this is always a hard time to work out, daycare doesn't open until next week.

My list of things to do here at school seems to continually grow, and I wonder if I will be done in time for school? I guess we will find out.

I really do love teaching though, so I can't complain

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Crater Lake, Oregon

Wow, how cool is this? This lake is super blue, and I was told that it is the deepest lake in North America (almost 2000 ft deep). It was a little cooler up at the crater, anything is better than the 105 degrees down in the valley. As we were driving it was weird being in that setting, with Kristi living here it is a quick jaunt up the mountain. Most people we saw were vacationing in motor homes, or motorcycles, ect.
This trip has been fun, especially watching the boys play. Although it will be good to get back home and see Aaron!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The closing of summer

I can not believe how fast this summer has gone by. I think I spent so much time chasing my little escape artist (Finn) we chased the summer right away.
We are now in Medford, Oregon enjoying my last week before I have to go back to school. My sister lives here, Van has been so excited to see and play with his cousins!
Today it was supposed to be 107 degrees, we have been inside most of the day.
We have a few other events on our agenda for the week, watch for new pictures from Crate Lake or something?
Thanks Gary for bringing us to visit.

First Post

Wow, a blog, who has time for this? I guess I do? I hope through this blog you will all get to experience a day in the life of the Silver Family.